smooth and safe transportation service for all

Saturday, 6 September 2014

The roots of the logistics and distribution management principles we use today.

In early 1990s in Bangladesh logistics and distribution management began to see more professional treatment, largely due to rapid increases in costs and a growing understanding of the true costs of distribution.
This professionalism in turn led to logistics and distribution management plans being made in the long term, and deliberate efforts being made to identify and enact savings. Strategies pursued included ‘lean’ processes – reductions in stock holding – and centralized distribution systems, aided by relatively new computer-aided information and control systems. 
Many companies also recognized the need for truly integrated logistics and distribution management systems around this time.
Titas Transport logistic system
Logistics System

but now situation is being changing, supply chain and logistics functions are now seen as central to the success of the business, when they had once been considered peripheral. This change of perspective has let to substantial increases in profitability. Specifically, distribution systems were no longer considered merely burdens, but as opportunities to add value to the product at each stage, and are in fact part of the core business, not a necessary evil to be minimized and cheapened at all costs.

This leads Titas transport  today, where businesses of all sizes and descriptions are seeking logistics and distribution management partners who can keep their entire supply chain efficient, resilient, and responsive to opportunity.
Location: Chittagong, Bangladesh


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Sharif khan

Vcard of Sharif Alam Khan
Titas Transport Agency
235,mosjid market(2nd floor),Tejgaon truck stand road.
Dhaka. , 1215 Bangladesh.
Transport, Logistics coordinate officer.

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