smooth and safe transportation service for all

Saturday 22 February 2020

Considered to ensure that a reputable transport service provider.

Occasionally the need arises, or the decision is taken to use external transport providers. In this event there has to be a structured approach to the selection (see contracting) and subsequent monitoring and control of the provider or providers selected. There are a number of important issues to be considered to ensure that a reputable provider, who will provide the required level of service, at an acceptable cost, is sourced.

  • carrier characteristics and capacity;
  • proven efficiency;
  • timely delivery;
  • known integrity, reputation and reliability;
  • good relationships with others carriers;
  • responsiveness to urgent needs of the organization (if previously contracted);
  • financial viability to cover costs of providing the service;
  • adequate communication systems to facilitate tracking to the vehicle;
  • assets to safeguard organization cargo;
  • ability to provide a multi-modal service, if need be; and
  • presentation of timely reports and correct invoices.
    Titas Transport largest transport service provider in Bangladesh.

    Contracting should be done in a competitive manner, on market terms, and negotiations undertaken in an open and transparent fashion, thus ensuring cost effectiveness and equal opportunities for the appropriate commercial entities.

Location: Bangladesh


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  2. There are some ways to assist you save the shipping cost for goods shipping from China to USA. All you would like to understand is that the goods weight, volume and delivery time which related closely to the shipping cost.For example, if you ship but 50kg goods from China to USA, fedex, ups could be the most cost effective thanks to apply to save lots of the value and it are often delivered within 5 to eight days.

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Carring Contructor & Commision Agent

Dhaka Office:
235,Mosjid Market(2nd Floor)
Tejgaon Truck Stand, Dhaka-1208
Phone:9132086, 01711-153932

K114, West Madar Bari, Chittagong

Chatchpur Office:
Mobile: 01711-272699
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Sharif khan

Vcard of Sharif Alam Khan
Titas Transport Agency
235,mosjid market(2nd floor),Tejgaon truck stand road.
Dhaka. , 1215 Bangladesh.
Transport, Logistics coordinate officer.

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